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Tandem Flight

Top highlights

  • fantastic views over the Vipava Valley and the Kras, the Adriatic Sea in the backdrop and the magnificent Alps in the north

Not to be missed

  • exciting tandem paragliding flight with an experienced instructor

Enjoy a carefree flight over the slopes of the Trnovo Forest Plateau, where stunning sights open up across the entire Kras, all the way to the Adriatic Sea in the south and the Julian Alps in the north. The duration of the flight depends on the weather conditions, though our instructors always try to make it a proper glide rather than just a brief descent into the valley. No previous skills are required for a tandem paragliding flight, just some courage, hiking shoes and wind-resistant clothing.

Duration: 2 hours

Price: 160 € / person


Wajdušna, Burjatik d.o.o.
Župančičeva ulica 1 c
5270 Ajdovščina

T: +386 (0)5 366 40 43
M: +386 (0)41 232 548