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Publications about the Vipava Valley

Vipava Valley Promotional Catalogue

The catalogue was designed to attract visitors to the Vipava Valley and spark their interest through breathtaking snapshots, and entice them to experience the Valley’s abundance first hand.

It takes readers through important natural and cultural landmarks, inviting them to food and wine events, presenting thrilling sports and leisure activities, with one simple message: the Vipava Valley is a top destination year round.

The publication is available in four languages: Slovenian, English, German, and Italian.

Vipava Valley Tourist Map

The tourist map covers the Vipava Valley as a uniform tourism destination. Made at a scale of 1 : 50,000, the map depicts the area from Razdrto and Hrušica to the east, to Gorizia (Italy) to the west, as well as a large part of the Karst region and the Banjšice and Trnovo Plateau, with a sliver of the Adriatic Sea.   

The map gives you accommodation facilities, inns, museums, important natural and cultural sites, wine-growing areas, info points and other tourism infrastructure.

It outlines hiking and cycling trails and provides tips regarding leisure activities to best experience this unique destination year round.

The map is available in two bilingual combinations: Slovenian and English, and German and Italian.

Bike Trails in the Vipava Valley

The bike trail map presents 17 loop bike routes in the Vipava Valley. Set up through the Valley, the routes run over the Vipava hills and up to the plateaus of the Trnovo Forest and Nanos.

Made at a scale of 1 : 80 000, the map also features diagrams with useful info such as trail length, type of terrain, altitude and tips for active leisure while staying in the Valley.

Motorcycle Rides through the Vipava Valley

The folded leaflet contains a map at a scale of 1 : 80,000 which shows the main tourist sites in the area, and seven motorcycle routes across the Vipava Valley and its vicinity. The circular routes all start in Ajdovščina. The back side of the leaflet shows the length of the routes, the terrain and estimated duration. It also features landmarks worth seeing. The publication is available in two bilingual combinations: Slovenian and English, and German and Italian.