Green Guide
Green Tips for Visiting the Paradise Valley
Welcome to the Paradise Valley!
Let me introduce myself. I'm your Green Guide, born in this land and in love with everything my home represents: beautiful nature, our ancestors’ heritage, and our way of life.

I'm active, curious and chatty. You can find me everywhere, and I'll gladly provide tips for exploring my home. I'm easy to recognise by my distinctive haircut, groomed to honour my dear friend the hladnikia plant, a unique flower growing on the slopes of Čaven.
Hladnikia pastinacifolia from the family Apiaceae is a paleoendemic species. It is the only endemic genus in Slovenia, growing in a very small area of the Trnovo Forest.
The people here have been keeping our destination green with dedication, responsible and sustainable practices. I'm certain you can recognise our green mindset at every step, and appreciate the results of our green actions.
A few green tips to follow during your stay here will help us keep our destination green, and the world a nicer place for everyone.

1. When entering the Vipava Valley and the Goriška region, be aware that you're stepping into pristine nature and a world of genuine tradition we've been preserving with love and care for centuries. You can admire the flowers and fruits of hard work, but don't pick them. People will gladly share their delicious local products with you.

2. Go green. Wherever possible, travel on foot, by bike or an electric vehicle.

3. While visiting our sprawling forests, plateaus and meadows, kindly remember you're only there for a short time, sharing them with their inhabitants which include rare plant and animal species. Please only walk and cycle on marked trails.

4. Enjoy our clean waters and indulge in the luxury of drinking tap water. Rather than carrying plastic, refill your water bottle at one of the numerous drinking fountains or friendly locals. Despite the abundance of water and other natural resources, please be responsible and only take what you need.

5. Choose and eat locally grown food, prepared traditionally and following local custom in sync with the seasonal rhythm of nature. Tasty products from locally grown ingredients also make great souvenirs.

6. Explore the vibrant traces of our cultural heritage, create memories, learn of our genuine way of living, join us as we work on our homesteads and land, and help us preserve our lifestyle.

7. Agricultural land, meadows and fenced pastures are important and charming elements of our landscape. When you visit, please respect their natural rhythm. When crossing fenced pastures, always close the gate. Always keep your dog on a leash when walking on agricultural land and exploring the great outdoors.

8. Our pristine nature is here to offer you unforgettable adventures, so please return the hospitality by keeping it clean and unspoiled. Admire the beauty and make sure it lasts. Only take wonderful memories and what you brought.
Fun fact: it's best to explore our destination with the local guides who know all the attractions and their stories, taking you to the hidden spots and teaching you about our culture.